Alessio Ricci

Curriculum vitae

about me

Alessio graduated in Architecture and Construction Engineering at the University of Chieti - Pescara, Italy, in 2010 with the thesis CFD simulations of tall buildings: evaluation of pressure coefficients for the aerodynamic response . In 2006 - 200 8, in the Socrates Erasmus program first and in the visiting student program then he studied at the Polytechnic University of Valencia , Spain. In 2012, he started the PhD in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering at University of Genoa (UniGe), Italy, with a schol arship funded by Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca (MuR). In 2013, as visiting PhD student he spent three months at the unit of Building Physics and Services of the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), in the Netherland s, where he started his double PhD. In 2017, he was awarded the double PhD degree in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering & Wind Engineering with the thesis Wind flow modeling in urban areas through experimental and numerical techniques . Since then , he has been involved in a wide range of multidisciplinary research projects as postdoctoral researcher at UniGe, TU/e and KU Leuven (KUL ) in Belgium , like: downscaling of atmospheric winds from mesoscale to microscale, characterization of wind s i n comple x environments (urban and port areas), pedestrian - level wind comfort assessment, wind effects on ships and port infrastructures, modeling of thunderstorm downburst winds ( THUNDER R project - ERC Advanced Grant by Prof. G. Solari), wind effects on solar pane ls, pollutant dispersion in urban areas, and reduction of aerosol particle s in indoor and semi - environments (Covid - 19 projects). In May 2021, he was awarded the Senior Postdoctoral Fellowship of Research Foundation of Flanders (FWO) , hosted by the Departme nt of Civil Engineering at KUL, for the project The impact of atmospheric winds on complex seaport areas and ships . Since October 2022, Alessio is an Assistant Professor (tenure track) of Fluid Dynamics at University School for Advanced Studies IUSS of Pavia , in Italy, leading the Wind Engineering research activities in the Climate change impAct studies for RISk Management (CARISMA) research group . In recent years, he has built an international profile, he is member of international committees /associati ons , research groups, the national research school for fluid mechanics J.M. Burgerscentrum in the Netherlands, the Italian Association for Wind Engineering and he has been co - promoter (from 2019 to 2022) of the ANIV’s youth group (ANIV - G). Since 2014 , he h as been involved in organizing committees of International Wind Engineering / Urban Physics and Fluid Dynamics conferences/workshops , P anel G rant e valuat ions, G raduation and PhD committee boards. He published 31 ISI journal papers and counts 60 scientific contributions to international conferences/workshops in the field of W ind E ngineering & U rban P hysics. He is peer reviewer of 40 ISI journals, Early Career Editorial Board member of Building & Environment ( Elsevier ), Editorial board member of Fluid Dynamic s & Material Processing , and R eview E ditor of Sustainable Design and Construction of Frontiers in Built Environment. He has been teaching assistant for the courses of Structural Engineering and Structural Mechanics at UniGe; Urban Physics at TU/e and KUL; ATHENS course at KUL . Since 2018, he is supervisor of PhD students and MSc and undergraduate students at TU/e, KUL , UniGe and IUSS. Alessio teaches the courses of Introduction of Wind Engineering and CFD in the Built Environment at IUSS of Pavia for the National Doctoral School in Sustainable Development and Climate Change (SDC), and the course s of Computational Wind Engineering: theory and applications and Statistical and probabilistic methods for engineering applications for un dergraduate students at IUSS of Pavia.


publicationsJournal papers

1. Qin P., Ricci A., Blocken B., 2024. Modeling traffic pollutants in a street canyon by CFD: Idealized line sources versus multiple realistic car sources. Science of the Total Environment 955, 177099.

2. Qin P., Ricci A., Blocken B., 2024. On the accuracy of idealized sources in CFD simulations of pollutant dispersion in an urban street canyon. Building and Environment 265, 111950.

3. Žužul J., Ricci A., Burlando M., Blocken B., Solari G., 2024. Vortex dynamics and radial outflow velocity evolution in downburst-like winds. Computers & Fluids 283, 106393.

4. Ricci A., 2024. Review of OpenFOAM applications in the computational wind engineering: from wind environment to wind structural engineering. Meccanica, Springer.

5. Žužul J., Ricci A., Burlando M., 2024. An automated geometry generation procedure for CWE applications in OpenFOAM: the case study of a thunderstorm downburst moving over Genoa city. Meccanica, Springer.

6. Potsis T., Ricci A., Stathopoulos T., 2024. On the reliability of the dynamic terrain method to generate ABL winds for environmental applications. Meccanica, Springer.

7. Qin P., Ricci A., Blocken B., 2024. CFD simulation of aerodynamic forces on the DriVaer car model: Impact of computational parameters. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 248, 105711.

8. Zhao Y., Chew L.W., Fan Y., Gromke C., Hang J., Yug Y., Ricci A., Zhang Y., Xuej Y., Fellini S., Mirzaei P.A., Gao N., Carpentieri M., Salizzoni P., Niu J., Carmeliet J., 2023. Funnel tunnel research for challenges of urban climate. Urban Climate 51, 101659.

9. Jayakumari, A.K.R., Gillmeier S., Ricci A., Guichard R., Blocken B., 2023. Scaling effects on experimentally obtained pressures on an idealized building: possible implications for a mechanical ventilation system for asbestos removal. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 239, 105442.

10. Qin P., Ricci A., Blocken B., 2023. CFD simulation of pollutant dispersion in a street canyon: Impact of idealized and realistic sources. E3S Web of Conferences, 396, 02042.

11. Ricci A., Vasaturo R., Blocken B., 2023. An integrated tool to improve the safety of seaports and waterways under strong wind conditions. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 234, 105327.

12. Xia L., Ricci A., Qin P., Blocken B., 2023. Aerosol concentration and airflow distribution assessment in a multi-zone indoor space with mechanical ventilation: field measurements and CFD simulations. Building Simulation Conference Proceedings 18, 767-773.

13. Jayakumari, A.K.R., Ricci A., Guichard R., Gillmeier S., Blocken B., 2023. Numerical analysis of wind effects on mechanically induced depressurization for asbestos abatement. Building Simulation Conference Proceedings 18, 539-544.

14. Qin P., Ricci A., Blocken B., 2023. CFD simulation of pollutant dispersion in a street canyon: impact of ideal versus realistic point source emissions. 5th International Conference on Building Energy and Environment, COBEE 2022. Environmental Science and Engineering. Book Series, pp. 33-39. ISBN: 978-981199821-8.

15. Xia L., Ricci A., Qin P., Blocken B., 2023. Reducing aerosol particle concentration in indoor spaces with mechanical ventilation and aircleaning: evidences and challenges. 5th International Conference on Building Energy and Environment, COBEE 2022. Environmental Science and Engineering. Book Series, pp. 1803-1806. ISBN: 978-981199821-8.

16. Žužul J., Ricci A., Burlando M., Blocken B., Solari G., 2023. CFD analysis of the WindEEE Dome produced downburst-like winds. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 232, 105268.

17. Ricci A., Burlando M., Repetto M.P., Blocken B., 2022. Static downscaling of mesoscale wind conditions into an urban canopy layer by a CFD microscale model. Building and Environment 225, 109626.

18. Cosnefroy M, Qin P., Ricci A., Gillmeier S., van Hooff T., Hornikx M., 2022. A database of scale model measurements for urban sound propagation in a moving atmosphere and first comparisons with simulations. Proceedings of the 24th International Congress on Acoustics (ICA), Gyeongju-si, South Korea, 24-28 October 2022, Code 188000.

19. Ricci A., Guasco M., Caboni F., Orlanno M., Repetto M.P., Giachetta A., 2022. Impact of surrounding environments and vegetation on wind comfort assessment of a new tower with vertical green park. Building and Environment 207, 108409.

20. Ricci A., Blocken B., 2021. English title: Reports from international young researchers (2) COVID-19 and Wind Engineering: the contribution by Eindhoven University of Technology and KU Leuven. Japan Association for Wind Engineering (in Japanese) 46, 275-277.

21. Blocken B., Druenen T., Ricci A. Kang L., van Hooff T., Qin P., Xia L., Alanis Ruiz C., Arts J.H., Diepens J.F.L., Maas G.A., Gillmeier S.G., Vos S.B., Brombacher C., 2021. Ventilation and air cleaning to limit aerosol particle concentrations in a gym during the COVID-19 pandemic. Building and Environment 193, 107659.

22. Ricci A., B. Blocken, 2020. On the reliability of the 3D steady RANS approach in predicting microscale wind conditions in seaport areas: The case of the IJmuiden sea lock. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics 207, 104437.

23. Ricci A., W.D. Janssen, H.J. van Wijhe, B. Blocken, 2020. CFD simulation of wind forces on ships in ports: Case study for the Rotterdam Cruise Terminal. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics 205, 104315.

24. Ricci A., Kalkman I.M., Blocken B., Burlando M., Repetto M.P., 2020. Impact of turbulence models and roughness heights in 3D steady RANS simulations of wind flows in urban environments. Building & Environment 171, 106617.

25. Ricci A., Blocken B., 2019. Experimental and Computational Analysis of Microscale Wind Conditions in the Port of Amsterdam. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering (Springer), Proceedings of the XV Conference of the Italian Association for Wind Engineering 27, 587-598.

26. Ricci A., Burlando M., Repetto M.P., Blocken B., 2019. Simulation of urban boundary and canopy layer flows in port areas induced by different marine boundary layer inflow conditions, Science of the Total Environment 670, 876-892.

27. Ricci A., Kalkman I.M., Blocken B., Burlando M., Freda A., Repetto M.P., 2018. Large-scale forcing effects on wind flows in an urban environment: impact of inflow conditions Sustainable cities and society 42, 593-610.

28. Ricci A., Burlando M., Repetto M.P., Kalkman I., Blocken B., 2017. ensitivity test of different inflow conditions for CFD simulations of wind flow in urban areas. Proceedings of the 7th European and African Conference on Wind Engineering, EACWE 2017. International Association for Wind Engineering (IAWE). Code 129213.

29. Ricci A., Kalkman I.M., Blocken B., Burlando M., Freda A., Repetto M.P., 2017. Local-scale forcing effects on wind flows in an urban environment: impact of geometrical simplifications, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 170, 238-255.

30. Ricci A., Burlando M., Freda A., Repetto M.P., 2017. Wind tunnel measurements of the urban boundary layer development over a historical district in Italy, Building and Environment 111, 192-206.

31. Burlando M., Ricci A., Freda A., Repetto M.P., 2015. Numerical and experimental methods to investigate the behaviour of vertical-axis wind turbines with stators, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 144, 125-133.

Books & monographs

1. Ricci A.. Wind flow modeling in urban areas through experimental and numerical techniques. hD Thesis. Eindhoven University of Technology. ISBN: 978-90-386-4258-1. Bouwstenen 226. NUR: 955. Eindhoven, Netherlands. 2017.


1. Blocken B., Druenen T., Ricci A., Kang L., van Hooff T., Qin P., Xia L., Alanis Ruiz C., Arts J.H., Diepens J.F.L., Maas G.A., Gillmeier S.G., Vos S.B., Brombacher C., 2021. Ventilatie en luchtreiniging tegen aerosoldeeltjes in sportscholen. 1 Jun 2021, In: TVVL Magazine, Netherlands, 3, 50-54.

2. Ricci A., Janssen W.D., van Wijhe H.J., Blocken B. How does the surrounding built environment affect the wind forces on moored ships in ports? The Naval Architect Magazine, vol. February 2021, pp. 37-41. The Royal Institution of Naval Architects, London, UK.

3. Pelkmans D., Ricci A., Qin P., Blocken B. 3D Steady RANS Simulation of Pollutant Dispersion in Streets. Inside Information, Mollier, pp 49. Academic Year 2020-21. Mollier Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands.

Conference papers

* conference cancelled due to the pandemic Covid-19; corresponding author.
1. Žužul J., Ricci A., Burlando M., Chowdhury J., Romanic D., Hangan H. LES simulation on the CAARC standard tall building under thunderstorm downbursts. The 9th International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamic and Applications (BBAA IX), Birmingham, UK, 29 July – 2 August 2024.

2. Jayakumari A., Ricci A., Gillmeier S. Assessment of aerodynamic force coefficients on different solar panels by LES simulations. The 9th International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamic and Applications (BBAA IX), Birmingham, UK, 29 July – 2 August 2024.

3. Ricci A., Burlando M., Blocken B. S. implification of geometries for CFD in the built environment: a key strategy to simulate complex wind flows. The 9th International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamic and Applications (BBAA IX), Birmingham, UK, 29 July – 2 August 2024.

4. Gillmeier S., Ricci A., Blocken B. Design optimization of flat roof mounted solar panels: A full-scale study and geometric scaling challenges. The 9th International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamic and Applications (BBAA IX), Birmingham, UK, 29 July – 2 August 2024.

5. Romain G., K. R. Jayakumari A., Ricci A., Gillmeier S., Blocken B., 2024. Towards a maximum wind speed for a ventilated asbestos removal worksites. RoomVent24 - 17th RoomVent conference, April 22-25, Stockholm, Sweden.

6. Žužul J., Ricci A., Burlando M. Advancing towards the creation of a digital twin for Genoa, Italy: Facilitating CFD simulations to produce the wind hazard map. The 18th Conference of the Italian Association for Wind Engineering - In-Vento 2024, Pisa, Italy, 8-11 September 2024.

7. Žužul J., Ricci A., Burlando M. Robust approach to automatic grid generation of complex environments in computational wind engineering applications. The 3rd National Conference on Wind Engineering (3NCWE), Bucharest, Romania, 11-13 September 2024.

8. Ricci A., Blocken B. Experimental and numerical analysis in port areas for the formulation of a new mean wind velocity profile in and above the canopy layer. The 3rd National Conference on Wind Engineering (3NCWE), Bucharest, Romania, 11-13 September 2024.

9. Guichard R., K. R. Jayakumari A., Gillmeier S., Ricci A., Blocken B. Influence of wind direction on the containment of asbestos removal worksites: application to a high-rise building. The 3rd National Conference on Wind Engineering (3NCWE), Bucharest, Romania, 11-13 September 2024.

10. K. R. Jayakumari A., Ricci A., Guichard R., Gillmeier S., Blocken B. On the reliability of a ventilation network tool for predicting depressurization breach in pollutant containment zones. BS2023 – Building Simulation Conference, Shanghai, China, 4-7 September 2023.

11. Xia L., Ricci A., Qin P., Blocken B. Aerosol concentration and airflow distribution assessment in a multi-zone indoor space with mechanical ventilation: field measurements and CFD simulations. BS2023 – Building Simulation Conference, Shanghai, China, 4-7 September 2023.

12. Ricci A., Blocken B. Prediction of mean wind velocity in port areas for wind load provisions: simulated versus analytical profiles. ICWE16 - The 16th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Florence, Italy, 27-31 Aug 2023.

13. Xhelaj A., Žužul J., Canepa F., Ricci A., Romanic D., Burlando M., Hangan H. Comparison between a stationary downburst-like impinging jet and analytical models. ICWE16 - The 16th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Florence, Italy, 27-21 Aug 2023.

14. K. R. Jayakumari A., Gillmeier S., Guichard R., Ricci A., Blocken B. Wind effects on mechanically ventilated asbestos containment zone. ICWE16 - The 16th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Florence, Italy, 27-21 Aug 2023.

15. Žužul J., Ricci A., Burlando M. CFD reconstruction of the thunderstorm downburst event of the August 14, 2018 in Genoa (Italy). ICWE16 - The 16th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Florence, Italy, 27-21 Aug 2023.

16. Xia L., Ricci A., Qin P., Blocken B. Experimental and numerical analysis of aerosol concentration in a multi-zone ventilated indoor environment. ICWE16 - The 16th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Florence, Italy, 27-21 Aug 2023.

17. Qin P., Ricci A., Blocken B. Aerodynamic force prediction on the DrivAer car model by CFD: Impact of turbulence modeling approach. ICWE16 - The 16th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Florence, Italy, 27-21 Aug 2023.

18. Žužul J., Ricci A., Burlando M. Simulating thunderstorm winds in complex environments using OpenFOAM. OF2023 – The 18th OpenFOAM workshop, Genoa, Italy, 11-14 July 2023.

19. Qin P., Ricci A., Blocken B. CFD simulations of pollutant dispersion in a street canyon: impact of idealized and realistic sources. Burgers Symposium - Conference Centre De Werelt, Lunteren, the Netherlands, 31 May – 1 June 2023.

20. Qin P., Ricci A., Blocken B. CFD simulation of pollutant dispersion in a street canyon: Impact of idealized and realistic sources. IAQVEC2023 - The 11th International Conference on indoor air Quality, Ventilation & Energy Conservation in building, Tokyo, Japan, 20-23 May 2023.

21. Žužul J., Ricci A., Burlando M. Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations of thunderstorm downburst winds. CCIA 2022 – The 20th conference on Engineering and Architecture, Havana city, Cuba, Nov 28 – Dec 2, 2022.

22. Žužul J., Ricci A., Burlando M. CFD simulations of extreme thunderstorm downburst winds. 1st CWE Workshop - Advanced modeling of stochastic Wind Effects and Vibrations, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, October 26, 2022.

23. Cosnefroy M., Qin P., Ricci A., Gillmeier S., van Hooff T., Hornikx M. A database of scale model measurements for urban sound propagation in a moving atmosphere and first comparisons with simulations. ICA 2022 – The 24th International Congress on Acoustic, Gyeongju, South Korea, 24-28 October 2022.

24. Radhakrishnan Jayakumari A.K., Gillmeier S., Ricci A., Guihard R., Blocken B. Geometrical scaling effects on experimentally obtained external pressure measurements on an idealized building. 8EACWE – the 8th European and African Conference on Wind Engineering, Bucharest, Romania, 20-23 September 2022.

25. Žužul J., Ricci A., Burlando M. LES simulations of a downburst immersed in an ABL-like wind. 8EACWE – the 8th European and African Conference on Wind Engineering, Bucharest, Romania, 20-23 September 2022.

26. Ricci A., Blocken B. Prediction of wind flow in seaport areas and wind forces assessment on port infrastructures. In-Vento 2022 – 17th Conference of the Italian Association for Wind Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, 4-7 September 2022.

27. Žužul J., Ricci A., Burlando M. LES simulations of an experimentally-produced inclined downburst: implications of a storm motion. In-Vento 2022 – 17th Conference of the Italian Association for Wind Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, 4-7 September 2022.

28. Ricci A., Blocken B. Characterization of wind in seaports and waterways through field measurements and CFD simulations. COBEE 2022 – The 5th International conference on building energy and environment, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, 25-29 July 2022.

29. Blocken B., Malizia F., van Druenen T., Van Gael B., Ricci A., Xia L., Qin P., Kang L., van Hooff T. An experimental and numerical study of football stadium ventilation to reduce aerosol concentrations and COVID-19 transmission. COBEE 2022 – The 5th International conference on building energy and environment, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, 25-29 July 2022.

30. Xia L., Ricci A., Blocken B. Analysis of aerosol concentration in the players dressing room of the Johan Cruijff ArenA Stadium of Amsterdam. COBEE 2022 – The 5th International conference on building energy and environment, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, 25-29 July 2022.

31. Qin P., Ricci A., Blocken B. CFD simulations of pollutant dispersion in a street canyon: Impact of ideal versus realistic source emissions. COBEE 2022 – The 5th International conference on building energy and environment, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, 25-29 July 2022.

32. Radhakrishnan Jayakumari A.K., Guihard R., Gillmeier S., Ricci A., Blocken B. Design and Scaling Methodology for Experimental Analysis of Wind Effects on Performance of Mechanical Ventilation System for Asbestos Abatement. Ventilation 2022 – ASHRAE, 13th International Industrial Ventilation Conference for Contaminant Control, Toronto, Canada, 22-24 June 2022.

33. Blocken B., van Druenen T., Malizia F., Gillmeier S., Ricci A. Impact of javelin point geometry on aerodynamic performance and flight distance. ISEA 2022 – The Engineering of Sport 14, Purdue University, 6-10 June 2022.

34. Xia L., Ricci A., Qin P., Blocken B. The efficiency of mechanical ventilation system and air cleaning to reduce the aerosol concentration in indoor spaces. Burgers Symposium - Conference Centre ‘De Werelt’ in Lunteren (Netherlands), 8-9 June 2022.

35. Qin P., Ricci A., Blocken B. 3D RANS simulations on the DrivAer car model: the impact of computational grid parameters. Burgers Symposium - Conference Centre ‘De Werelt’ in Lunteren (Netherlands), 8-9 June 2022.

36. Žužul J., Ricci A., Burlando M., Blocken B., Solari G. Characterization of experimentally produced isolated downburst winds by Large Eddy Simulations. ACWE 2022 – 14th Americas Conference on Wind Engineering, National Wind Institute – Texas Tech University, Lubbock TX, USA, 17-19 May 2022.

37. Ricci A., Blocken B. Characterization of wind in seaports for load prediction on ships and port infrastructures. ACWE 2022 – 14th Americas Conference on Wind Engineering, National Wind Institute – Texas Tech University, Lubbock TX, USA, 17-19 May 2022.

38. Ricci A., Guasco M., Caboni F., Orlanno M., Repetto M.P., Giachetta A. Wind comfort assessment of a newly designed tower with a vertical green park. ACWE 2022 – 14th Americas Conference on Wind Engineering, National Wind Institute – Texas Tech University, Lubbock TX, USA, 17-19 May 2022.

39. Ricci A., Burlando M., Repetto M.P. On the applicability of CFD microscale models for downscaling the wind measured above an urban area into the canopy layer. ACWE 2022 – 14th Americas Conference on Wind Engineering, National Wind Institute – Texas Tech University, Lubbock TX, USA, 17-19 May 2022.

40. Qin P., Ricci A., Blocken B. 3D steady RANS simulations on the DriVear car model: The impact of the computational grid parameters. AERO2022 – the 56th International Conference on Applied Aerodynamics, Toulouse, France, 20-30 March 2022.

41. Xia L., Ricci A., Qin P., Blocken B. Using ventilation and air cleaning to reduce the aerosol concentration in a laboratory room. AERO2022 – the 56th International Conference on Applied Aerodynamics, Toulouse, France, 20-30 March 2022.

42. Gillmeier S., Ricci A., Blocken B. Simulating approach flows similar to the atmospheric boundary layer in a newly built atmospheric boundary layer wind tunnel. PHYSMOD 2019 - International Workshop on Physical Modeling of Flow and Dispersion Phenomena, Hong Kong, 26-28 August 2019.

43. Radhakrishnan Jayakumari A.K., Guihard R., Ricci A., Gillmeier S., Blocken B. Wind effects on pollutant containment zone in an asbestos removal worksite – field measurements. PHYSMOD 2019 - International Workshop on Physical Modeling of Flow and Dispersion Phenomena, Hong Kong, 26-28 August 2019.

44. Žužul J., Burlando M., Solari G., Blocken B., Ricci A., Comparison between the Impinging Jet Model and Experimental Stationary Downbursts. ICWE15 - the 15th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Beijing, China, 1-6 September 2019.

45. Ricci A., Vasaturo R., Blocken B. A software application to predict local scale wind conditions in the Port of Amsterdam. ICWE15 - the 15th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Beijing, China, 1-6 September 2019.

46. Ricci A., Burlando M., Repetto M.P., Blocken B. Full-scale and reduced-scale 3D RANS simulations for the case study of Livorno city (Italy). ICWE15 - the 15th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Beijing, China, 1-6 September 2019.

47. Ricci A., Blocken B. Simulation of urban boundary and canopy layer flows in port areas induced by different marine boundary layer inflow conditions. Plenary Session by Junior Staff Member. Burgers Symposium - Conference Centre ‘De Werelt’ in Lunteren, Netherlands, 21-22 June 2019.

48. Ricci A., Blocken B., Experimental and Computational analysis of microscale wind conditions in the Port of Amsterdam. In-Vento 2018 – the 15th Conference of the Italian Association for Wind Engineering, Napoli, Italia, 9-12 September 2018.

49. Ricci A., Burlando M., Repetto M.P. Application of CFD and mass-consistent models for operational wind forecasting. CWE 2018 – the 7th International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering, Seoul, South Korea, 18-22 June 2018.

50. Ricci A., Blocken B. Wind environmental conditions in the largest sea vault in the world. Burgers Symposium - Conference Centre ‘De Werelt’ in Lunteren (Netherlands), 6-7 June 2018.

51. Ricci A., Freda A., Repetto M.P., Burlando M., Blocken B. Urban comfort evaluation in an Italian historical district: the impact of architectural details in wind tunnel and CFD analysis. URBANCEQ-2017 – the 1st International Conference on Urban Comfort and Environmental Quality, Genova, Italia, 28-29 September 2017.

52. Ricci A., Burlando M., Repetto M.P., Kalkman I.M., Blocken B. Sensitivity test of different inflow conditions for CFD simulations of wind flow in urban areas. EACWE 2017 – the 7th European and African Conference on Wind Engineering, Liege, Belgium, 4-7 July 2017.

53. Ricci A., Kalkman I.M., Blocken B., Burlando M., Freda A., Repetto M.P. Impact of model parameters in RANS modeling of urban wind flow: the case study of Livorno city. In-Vento 2016 – the 14th Conference of the Italian Association for Wind Engineering, Terni, Italy, 25-28 September 2016.

54. Ricci A., Kalkman I.M., Blocken B., Burlando M., Freda A., Repetto M.P. Inflow condition sensitivity in the CFD simulation of wind flow in the urban environment. BBAA VIII – 8th International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications, North-eastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 7-11 June 2016.

55. Ricci A., Kalkman I.M., Blocken B., Repetto M.P., Burlando M., Freda A. Local-scale forcing effects on wind flows in an urban environment. PHYSMOD 2015 - International Workshop on Physical Modeling of Flow and Dispersion Phenomena, Zurich, Switzerland, 7-9 September 2015.

56. Ricci A., Burlando M., Repetto M.P., Freda A. Experimental and numerical investigation of the urban boundary layer in Livorno city. ICWE14 - the 14th International Conference of Wind Engineering, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 21-26 June 2015.

57. Repetto M.P., Freda A., Fia M., Rebuffo E., Burlando M., Ricci A. Wind tunnel study on urban wind flow. In-Vento 2014 – the 13th Conference of the Italian Association for Wind Engineering, Genova, Italy, 22-25 June 2014.

58. Ricci A., Burlando M., Repetto M.P., Freda A. Wind flow modelling in urban areas: the case of Livorno city. EEBP7 – the 7th International Symposium on Environmental Effects on Buildings and People, Actions, Influences, Interactions, Discomfort, Cracow, Polonia, 20-22 October 2014.

59. Burlando M., Repetto M.P., Freda A., Ricci A. Wind tunnel and CFD models of a vertical axis wind turbine with power augmentation guide vanes. CWE2014 – the 6th International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering, Hamburg, Germany, 8-12 June 2014.

60. Ricci A. Short introduction about the PhD research project. Urban Physics Autumn School 2013. An international specialized workshop for doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers. Nikiti Calcidica, Greece, 13-18 October 2013.

teachingPhD courses

1. 2023 – present: Course of Introduction to Wind Engineering for the National Doctoral School in Sustainability and Climate Change (18 hours)
2. 2023 – present: Course of CFD for the Built Environment for the National Doctoral School of Sustainability and Climate Change (18 hours)

Bachelor and Master courses

1. 2023 – present: Seminar of Wind Science and Engineering: measurement, modeling, simulations for undergraduate and graduate students (10 hours)
2. From 2025: Course of Statistical and probabilistic methods for engineering applications for undergraduate students (25 hours)